What to do before your lesson starts
We take great pride in being recognized as having the most friendly and supportive coaches online. This is why we prioritize welcoming and supporting students in everything we do, beginning with the moment they join all the way to their destination in reaching fluency.
As we say, when in doubt: smile
1. Greet Your New Student (if it's your first lesson together)
This is where it all begins! Your first encounter with your student will set the foundation of the relationship moving forward. Remember, first impressions last!
We ask all teachers to send their students a greeting email before their first lesson. Our system will send your students automatic reminders for recurring lessons thereafter.
Here is an example of a good greeting email to send to your student:
2. Prepare your lesson
You will need to prepare your lessons ahead of time to make sure there are creative activities you can do with the student, including an easy-to-follow structure to maximize the student's experience.
While we leave it up to you to prepare these creative activities, some research you can do may include:
- articles or guides online to review
- tasks or assignments you can do during the lesson
- specific questions or games you can play
- relevant songs or videos
3. Make sure your AUDIO & VIDEO are properly set-up
Since your lesson experience will be held using Skype, make sure your:
- Audio is set-up (and that you’re using a proper mic without static)
- You’re in a quiet space without any background noise or others around you
- Video quality is optimized (with optimal lighting)
- Video background is professional
*We ask you to avoid dark spaces, and to have light facing you so students can properly see you.
Bad Example

Good Example

If you have any more questions, suggestions, or feedback, please email us at help@rypeapp.com