How to maximize your teaching experience

1. Seek feedback

One of the biggest reasons why a student on Rype may discontinue his or her membership is due to lack of communication.

Students often will not be vocal about what exactly they’re looking for.  As a teacher, it’s sometimes up to you to seek feedback about the content of the lessons, how your students have been progressing so far, and how you can improve the experience.

Every 2 weeks is a good time frame for you to ask the student at the end of the lesson what they’d like to see in upcoming lessons.

2. Provide encouragement and positive support

Students often quit due to lack of motivation. They lose purpose and inspiration in continuing their learning journey, so it’s incredibly important to be supportive and encouraging.

You can do this by:
- Sending positive remarks about how much progress your student has been making.
- Pushing your students to complete their homework assignments and motivating them during the lesson
- Giving your students additional reading or assignments if they’re looking for more materials before the next lesson

3. Be well-prepared for each lesson

Whether it's preparing articles, videos, or songs that you can make the lesson more interesting and intriguing for students, having something prepared ahead of time will show your students that you're going above and beyond for them.

In addition to the material, you want to make sure your video and audio as well as your internet connection is at the best quality.  A bad connection can ruin the experience for students, no matter how prepared you are.

4. Be on time

One of the ways to guarantee that a student won't work with you in the future is to be late (or worse: cancel your lessons) without notifying them.

Things happen, but you want to make sure to communicate with your students well ahead of time if you're unable to make the lessons.

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